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- Started in year 2005 by a Danish Newspaper - Danish Newspaper that was responsible is "Jyllands-Posten". - The newspaper printed 12 cartoons of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W - Followed by many Europe countries such as Germany and Netherlands - In 2011,  a French weekly magazine named Charlie Hebdo reprinted the cartoons and create new ones. - In 2015,  Charlie Hebdo was attacked by extremist. 9 journalist and 2 police officers  were killed - A school teacher was killed by a Muslim teenager in 2020 - The school insulted Prophet Muhammad by distributing the Caricature the Prophet. The French government openly insulted the Prophet by displaying the illustrations of Prophet Muhammad


The first reason is racism and hatred towards Islam. France had been known to be one of the country that openly express hatred towards Islam. For example, the government banned Muslim women to wear Niqab in public. Shops or restaurant with “Halal” sign will be boycott by the people in France. These example clearly show the oppression towards Islam and its followers. Furthermore, the media also played vital roles in influencing the hatred towards Islam. They tend to show the bad sides or stories of Islam to enhance “Islamophobia” among non-Muslim. Moreover, those who hate Islam sometimes do not have a valid reason to hate. They usually just join the crowd so that they will be feel isolated or left out.


As a Muslim, we must react accordingly and do not go overboard. Thus, the best way to react is to understand our position, power and capabilities. As a Muslim students, we can play an important role by creating awareness as much as possible. For example, sharing post pertaining to the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W caricature controversy in social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This will help more people to know about this issue. Leader from powerful Islam country such as Turkey have more power and ability to react better in this issue.

There are moves that the Turkish government made to react in conjunction with this issue. First, they withdraw their ambassador from France and sent back France ambassador. Second, they remove all French products from all stores and shops as boycott to French products. Boycott of the French products clearly affects France economy as it is also done worldwide.

In Malaysia, the Minister of Religious Affairs, Datuk Seri Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri sent Prophet Muhammad S.A.W bibliography to introduce the prophet himself to the French Government. Moreover, he also wrote an official letter condemning the act of the French government. This soft approach is very suitable to react in this issue for a small and less powerful country as Malaysia.


Freedom of expressions or speech in France is stated in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. As for the freedom of the press, it is stated in the law of 1881. However, these freedom have limits. The limits are racism, anti-Semitism, racial-hatred and justification of terrorism are not allowed. All of this acts are not opinions but offenses and punishable by the law. As an example, if someone is caught justifying terrorism, the person will face seven years of incarceration. However, the limits of freedom of speech or expressions stated in the law really contradict with how the French government treating Islam and its followers.

They clearly insult and discriminate Islam by publishing the caricature of Prophet Muhammad publicly and encourage the citizens to do the same thing. The justification of this act is freedom of speech. This clearly against the freedom of expression or speech law because insulting and discrimination other religion is consider as racism and racial-hatred. France also shut down the Grand Mosque of Pantin after sharing a video criticizing teacher victim who showed pupils caricatures of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. This is also a form of discrimination to Islam and the Muslim community in France.


1.) Aljazeera

2.) New York Times

3.) The Guardian

4.) BBC

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